
Alice Ayres is 24 years old, disarming and good-looking. When feeling neglected by her beloved one, she might crouch on the carpet and urinate right in front of him to attract his attention.

She is a bit disturbed, but absolutely loveable and completely unleavable. She’s a waif, travelling around with only a rucksack. Likes New York. An exceptional stripper because she knows what men want. Met psychotics and knows who those are.

She is too young to have children and she wants to be loved. Alice would never show a stranger that she is hurt and sometimes she prefers lying instead of the truth to hide herself. According to Marber Alice is the soul of the play.


The forever guilty Anna lives the dilemma of detesting and needing men. Although she is disappointed by men in general, she doesn’t want to live without them, at least not forever.

Her interest in strangers remains superficial as she neglects the feelings behind her pictures. Only the superficial cover is important for her, she tries to hide behind the professional mask.

She tries to keep to her own rules, she is not allowed to cry and must behave like a full professional, but she fails to control the things happening to her.


An obituarist, who prefers to be called a failed novelist. But he doesn’t only fail as a writer. Love bores him, he seems to be looking for something that he himself cannot define.

He always remains superficial, even with people who seem to be close to him. He only thinks about himself and fails to recognise what is in front of him, including the feelings and desires of his girlfriends.

He is smart and definitely has a good sense of humour. He can express himself very exquisitely. He is there in his own quiet way.

According to Marber, he is the brains of the play.


The clinical observer of the human carnival is addicted to the truth and he is the only one who actually is able to look into a human soul. He seems to be self assured on the one hand, but at the same time he keeps seeking approval of his solidness and strength.

He is a caveman and obsessed with sex. He is the only one who is honest in the play and does not lie. He pays attention to women and in his way looks after them.

He is in the skin trade, meaning he is a dermatologist. To have sex with his new girlfriend he gives up private medicine and goes back to work in a hospital.

According to Marber, he is the balls of the play.